We can say that we provide consultancy services.
We can say that we provide training services.
We can say that we provide protection services.
We can say that one of our operators was the one who took down the Red Baron.
We could even say that the CEO of the company is Jason Bourne’s cousin.
But since we don’t want to bore you here with everything that we know how to do (nor do we want to sound boastful), we’re going to tell you about it while keeping you up to date with the global situation in geopolitics and security. And all that only just for signing up to our list.
If that sounds good to you, sign up with a click below.
PS: And yes, it’s for free.
Never again be caught off guard in a conversation about news you didn’t hear about.
No more hours wasted searching for sensitive information on some international scenario without finding anything clear.
By subscribing to our list, we will save you from those problems.
But if at any time you don’t get it, don’t get upset. It’s not that we’ve forgotten, it’s that we’ll be operating and won’t have a computer at hand.
Or maybe we’re hungover.
Whatever the case, you’ll hear from us sooner than you expect, whether it’s one of our analyses or a funny story.
But be careful, not just any story, but one that has a lot of learning behind it.
And that’s no small feat. Just like our analyses aren’t either.
Because having to filter and search for information to be up to date every week with what’s happening in the world is a pain in the ass.
And since we must do it anyway, if you subscribe to our list, you’ll save yourself that time, and that pain in the ass.
We already do that.
And our subscribers receive it totally free.
Think about it, you have nothing to lose by trying.
And if they don’t work for you, or you don’t like the way we talk, you can just get off the list.
(It’s also free.)
If you want to sign up, it’s here:
One thing about our reports:
You must know that they are not specific and detailed reports.
No, not at all: they are reports made by and for operators.
With the key points and the right, useful and necessary information, always prioritizing the “make it simple”.
We don’t want gossip-mongering reports or excessive flourishes.
We want useful things.
Simple things.
Things straight to the point.
In case you haven’t signed up yet, here’s the link.
How many people in private companies and official organisms are there doing OSINT every day, typing and typing long and boring reports, leaving their diopters on the computer, looking for information in the most remote places, adding graphics so that it “looks professional”, putting up huge tables, laying out the layout so that it looks nice… so that, later, the boss on duty comes and ignores the report.
That is to say: don’t read shit.
All those hours, all that work, to get a report ignored in less than 5 minutes.
And, as a reward, a turd for the guy who typed it.
Not to mention the boring stuff and filler that is put in the reports to make it “seem serious”.
Tss, we are not interested in that. We are only interested in going straight to the point.
We know that we have a slightly different style.
We speak strangely.
And we have a strange accent.
And our reports are strange.
And our way of working is peculiar, not to repeat strange.
Even our operators are as ugly as hell.
But the advantage is that we are terribly practical.
Our aim is to always make everything practical: the reports, the way of proceeding, the consultancies, the operations…
And by making things practical, clear and direct, people tend to read our reports.
Just ask one of our operators, because a well-known intelligence agencie preferred to ask him for the reports instead to its own members.
You’re not going to be a geopolitical guru after reading one of our reports, because that will depend exclusively on your effort and the hours you put in.
But what will happen is that, after reading them, you’ll have a clearer idea of what to look for and how to convey the message.
And above all, you’ll know what the hell is going on in this or that area if you’re sent to some godforsaken place. Or, at least, it will sound familiar to you.
If that’s what you’re looking for, and you fancy trying it, don’t forget to leave your email here:
However, if this is not what you are looking for, and you don’t give a damn about anything I’ve told you above, you might be interested in taking a look to find out where the hell we come from and who the hell we are.
In other words, learn a little more about our history.
Learn the reason why it all came about.
What made us be like this.
To read it, click here.